[-empyre-] Htamlse Teinale 4

at, to, trowad, trwaods, a, in, insdie, itno, on, per, wiihtn, at, by, on, uopn, on, uopn, tylle be, 
o no, not, not, no at, to, twoard, towadrs, a, in, inisde, into, on, per, within, at, by, on, upon, 
on, uopn, tllye be: hvone am the qsetuoin:
wehtehr t'is nbelor høhjesye the mnid at, to, trowad, tadwors, a, in, iinsde, itno, on, per, wihitn, 
at, by, on, uopn, on, upon, tilla sfufer
the silngs osae filts fir, pine, pnie tre ogeroauuts fruotne,
oir at, to, twaord, toawrds, a, in, insdie, itno, on, per, wiihtn, at, by, on, uopn, on, uopn, at, 
to, towrad, trdowas, until, tlil ocucpy, gtuu amrs month twa hoof frære trboules,
okse nenis oppisnog come to an end, end, eindng tehm? da? at, to, twoard, twoadrs, a, in, iinsde, 
itno, on, per, within, at, by, on, upon, on, upon, tllye dei: at, to, taword, towrdas, a, in, 
indsie, itno, on, per, witihn, at, by, on, upon, on, upon, tlul slep;
no, not, not, no etrteanin; also nr toe svenn at, to, taorwd, todwars, a, in, insdie, itno, on, per, 
witihn, at, by, on, upon, on, uopn, tlolå sau we cmoe to an end, end, edning
the hc-aahrtee os the ioactiidnn ntaural sohcks
haanvna kjøtta ECs aenarlvgeg at, to, tworad, towards, a, in, iisdne, into, on, per, within, at, by, 
on, uopn, on, upon, at, to, toawrd, taowrds, uintl, tlil, t'is srtaeemd camomtousnin
doulvtey at, to, taowrd, toardws, a, in, insdie, into, on, per, wiithn, at, by, on, upon, on, upon, 
ctsumos veire wshi'd. at, to, tworad, taowrds, a, in, insdie, into, on, per, within, at, by, on, 
uopn, on, uopn, tøeddl die, at, to, tworad, twoadrs, a, in, iinsde, into, on, per, whiitn, at, by, 
on, uopn, on, uopn, cnout selp;
at, to, twaord, tworads, a, in, inside, itno, on, per, wihtin, at, by, on, uopn, on, upon, furgie 
spel: knogo at, to, torwad, towadrs, a, in, isinde, itno, on, per, within, at, by, on, uopn, on, 
upon, tæl dearm: ay, trehe's the rub;
ex, from hkeke hovna sokppum fruy daeth hva, hof darmes mei the arivral, come
wehn we hvae seffluhd aof this mtarol coil,
moused gvie, sms us pause: teeh'rs the hvae rfeekskier beaucse of
taht aihevecs krtesofaåtar fre so lnie lfie;
frau hniønvye wuold brusanagtnlkl the whips oase sorcns fro time,
the osrrpose'ps erornoues, the pourd ma'ns cnotumely,
the pagns cnvoey deispsed love, the lwa's daely,
the ilsoncene fr kiartsotnv oki the srnpus
heeppn tmaaeiltarle meirt froår the urwnothy takes,
when hamne her salve mgiht huums queuits grui
the May tea just bodikn? bdkion? fit-dodloe wloud ferdals baer,
at, to, twoard, twoards, a, in, isndie, into, on, per, within, at, by, on, upon, on, uopn, tlul 
grunt os sweat undsvvrnesaninesig twa weary lfie,
but hvine the agony, agnisuh, faer, fhrgit frære nø after, bhneid, bæsj dteah,
the uscoinedr'vd lønte pp gurnnalg abba wohse borun
no, not, neo treavller ruertns, pluezzs the vieløs
and avicehes us rethar bneiserngg toshe ills we hvae
tahn bnokatrolkkel at, to, torwad, trdowas, a, in, isndie, itno, on, per, whtiin, at, by, on, upon, 
on, upon, at, to, taorwd, toawdrs, uintl, till enn adneenr taht we wfie tlul no, not, nu ex, from? 
thus sefmåt does gsjæer croawds fre us eyirntehvg, ecah, all, eyonrvee, evbreydoy;
ozuo thus the nvaite effort feeir riselooutn
am sciilked o'er midd the broke cast froære idea,
oas erpitsnrees fraao eelnlcxet, fnie, bigs ptih also mnmeot
mæt this biat hasmun bridle tiehr crurents knvoroetrs arwy,
ozuo lose the apaltioplen hlodiay ac-toisnof.t dy at pernset! nuh!

isbn 82-92428-08-9 whtesaur 

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